Monday, June 25, 2012


Usually I don’t talk much about religion. As I believe a person have right to choose his own religion to follow. A religion is a source that helps to develop a man’s soul.
I’m a Buddhist and according to my view the flow of life changes according to our actions. Every action you did with a good heart will come back in help one day. 
Recently I found this short poem, which has a great meaning for life.

Lord Buddha’s robes
Flow so freely and gracefully,
There are no pockets
To cling or to hold

Erica Dias

Isn't that 100% correct????
Haven’t you ever blamed about next door neighbor’s new born puppy?
Didn’t you ever worried about your old furniture that doesn’t match with your sister’s new ones?
Haven’t you ever felt jealous about your friend’s boyfriend?
Everyday, every minute we fill our minds with a lot of unnecessary things.
Look your pocket is filled with anger,hatred,lust,passion...
Mind is stacked with other people’s faults, gossips.
Each nook and corner is filled with other’s stuff.

But is that worth?

You will get nothing but a collection of other’s memories!!!
Try to get away from that burden
I'm not telling you to get rid of everything and seek for the eternal truth,
but if you are really strong at your heart,you can do it.
A Happy Pocket for Life!!!
I'm talking about us,the ones who struggle for freedom from the loneliness in the society,
the people that want to change everyday to a happy ending.

The above words can be used practically in our day-today life!!!

Why can't we fill our pockets with our own stuff?
With the things which can make us happy,
with the things that can draw smile on our face
With the things that make us live J

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- Laurence J. Peter

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